81 Sweet and Deep Love Messages for Him - Make Him Smile for Hours (2024)

These deep love messages for him are just what you’ve been looking for if you…

– Wanna deepen the love connection between you and him?

– Want him to feel loved, appreciated, and valued by you?

– Want to inspire him to continue giving you his best?

These love messages for him fall under a variety of topics. From short and sweet, to long and deep, you’re bound to find a few that fit your style and give language to what your heart’s been feeling.

You can copy and paste them, or just use them as inspiration as you come up with your own perfect love notes.

These sweet and deep love messages for him will take you 10 seconds to text, but will make him smile for hours.

If you need some help figuring out how to make him feel special over text (or email, whatever your jam), these love notes for him are perfect.

Send one today, and see what he says!

In This Post:

  • Heartfelt and Deep Love Messages for Him
  • Short and Sweet Love Messages
  • Good Morning and Good Night Love Messages for Him
  • Anniversary/Birthday Love Messages for Him
  • Why he wants you to send him romantic love messages

81 Sweet and Deep Love Messages for Him - Make Him Smile for Hours (1)

Heartfelt and Deep Love Messages for Him

Sometimes it’s hard to express just how much he means to you…

But these heartfelt and deep love messages for him will get you pretty darn close.

Again, you can copy and paste these.

Or, use them as inspiration to help you craft your own personal love note.

If you’re feeling really inspired, you can put several of them together and write your own love letter.

My advice is to spend sometime thinking about what makes you love him and send the messages that resonate with you the most.

1. It’s hard to imagine my life without you. The memories we’ve made, the joy we’ve shared, and the time we’ve spent growing closer are some of the happiest moments of my life.

2. Words can’t express how much you mean to me. Our life together is a dream come true for me and even on our hardest days, I’m grateful that I get to to do life with you.

3. We’ve been together for years now and you still never cease to amaze me. Your compassion, love, leadership, generosity, and ambition always seem to reach new heights. I’m so grateful I get to watch you continuously develop into the best version of yourself.

4. I had no idea I could love someone this much until you came into my life. Loving you has been the greatest adventure and privilege I’ve ever had.

5. The truth is, my life is so much better because you’re in it. You help make me a better woman and I love the person I’ve grown into since you came into my life.

6. If I could choose all over again, I’d still choose you. The good times, the bad times, the joys, the triumphs – there’s no one I’d rather go through them with, but you.

7. I was thinking about the vows we took to one another. And, I’m not sure I’ve always done the best job of upholding them, but I’m beyond grateful that I get to spend the rest of our life together trying. I want to be the best wife I can be to you – in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.

8. You’ve been my shoulder to cry on in the hardest times. You’ve been the reason for the smile on my face in the happiest times. And you’ve been the partner I needed in the toughest times. You’ve been all I’ve needed, wanted, and more. Thank you for being you.

9. Even as the years pass and we both get older, I promise you this… My love for you will grow stronger with each passing day for the rest of our lives.

10. Your love for me is a testimony of God’s love for me. He knew all I’d need in this life, and because of that, He gave me you.

11. My love for you outnumbers the stars in the sky and the drops of water in the ocean. It’s immeasurable, unconditional, and eternal.

12. You’re my lover, partner, friend, and confidant. You’re my biggest cheerleader and the first person to wipe away my tears. Being with you is one of my life’s greatest blessings.

13. Thank you for being so committed and devoted to our family, to me, and to our kids. The way you love, protect, and honor us is incredibly special. We cherish you now and forever.

14. I still sit back in amazement when I remember that out of the billions of people on the planet, God led you to me.

15. My love for you is timeless. When the kids are grown and so many things in our lives have changed, my love for you will remain the same.

16. In a day and age when loyalty, trust, long healthy marriages, and true love don’t seem to be that common, I can’t help but be grateful that our love story is different. It’s the thing dreams are made of.

17. There’s something about the way you look at me, that makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room. There’s something about the way you touch me that makes a second feel like an eternity. And, there’s something about the way you kiss me that brings me to heaven on earth.

18. Let’s do this forever. Let’s always choose each other first, love each other deeply, and tackle life hand in hand.

19. Loving you has been an unexpected journey of learning how to love someone more deeply than I ever thought possible.

20. When you hurt, I hurt. When you’re happy, I’m happy. My time with you has taught me what the Bible means when it says “the two will become one.”

21. You go through life and one day you meet someone and think “I wonder if this is my person.” Then you laugh together, dream together, and open up to each other and finally it clicks and you know for sure, “This is definitely my person.”

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81 Sweet and Deep Love Messages for Him - Make Him Smile for Hours (2)

Short and Sweet Love Messages For Him

If the drawn out love notes aren’t your thing, I’ve got ya covered.

The love messages below are short and sweet, but will make him feel like the most special guy in the world.

They’re perfect to send as a mid-day text message or as a one sentence email.

The sentiment in these messages pack a punch, and your guy’s bound to feel loved by you when he reads it.

1. There’s something about the way you love me that makes me feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

2. Seeing you smile is the best part of my day.

3. The years we’ve spent together have been the best years of my life.

4. Getting to spend the rest of my life with you is my heart’s greatest joy.

5. The more I get to know you, the more I fall in love with you.

6. Laying on your chest and listening to the sound of your heartbeat is always the highlight of my days. That sound is so special to me because it is truly the sound of love.

7. You’ll have my whole heart, for my whole life.

8. There’s something so incredibly special about the way you love me. It makes my world a better place.

9. I’d follow you to the ends of the earth. There’s no distance I wouldn’t travel to be with you.

10. Being in love with you is my fairytale come true.

11. My heart still skips a beat whenever you kiss me.

12. God blessed me greatly when he put you in my life.

13. Of all the things I’ve achieved and all the good things that have happened in my life, being your wife will always be at the top of that list.

14. Loving me isn’t always easy, but you never fail to do it with your whole heart.

15. I’ll be there for you through thick and thin my love. You’ll never have to face the world alone.

16. How is it possible that after all these years, I’m still falling in love with you over and over again?

17. You’re an outstanding example of what I man should be, what a husband should be, and what a father should be. And I’m grateful for you.

18. I never have to worry about giving you my whole heart – you’ve proven that you’ll always take the best care of it.

19. The sound of your voice is the sweetest sound I know.

20. Flaws and all, you’re still perfect to me.

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81 Sweet and Deep Love Messages for Him - Make Him Smile for Hours (3)

Good Morning / Good Night Love Messages for Him

You ever wake up and he’s the first thing on your mind?

Or before you drift off to lala land, you find yourself thinking about him?

Yea, me too.

Sometimes I find with my hubby that one of my first thoughts in the morning is how grateful I am that God sent me him.

These deep love messages for him are perfect for those days.

No special occasion needed. Just a chance to love on him because he makes every day a bit more special.

1. Hearing your voice is the best part of my morning.

2. Every day I get to spend with you is a blessing.

3. I hope your day is as amazing as you are my love.

4. No matter what comes your way today, remember that you can do anything you set your mind to. And I’ll be here cheering you on the entire way.

5. Leaving you in the morning is the hardest part of my day. Coming home to your warm embrace is the best part.

6. You bring light to everyone you meet. Continue to shine brightly my love.

7. Your smile is priceless and yet, I’d give everything I have just to see you smile.

8. Thank you for making me feel wanted, seen, chosen, heard, and valued. I appreciate that more than you know.

9. My life, since meeting you, has been brighter, happier, and full of more joy. Thank you for being the gift that keeps on giving.

10. You know you brighten up my day, right?

11. I’ll love you forever, and then long after that.

12. I don’t want to just see you smile, I want to be the reason why you smile.

13. Waking up next to you is the best part of my day.

14. Thinking about you, praying for you, love you.

15. Never doubt that you’re wanted, needed, and appreciated. Love you.

16. I’ll be your #1 fan from now till forever. You’ll always be the best to me.

17. Be safe today my love, I need you to come home to me.

18. Loving you is easy. Being loved by you is pure bliss.

19. I was thinking about you this morning and I couldn’t help but feel grateful. Grateful that I get to know you, love you, and do life with you.

20. Have I told you lately how much I love and admire you?

21. I can say with full confidence that I’d be lost without you.

22. Your kind heart and sweet words make even my hardest days, better.

23. Thank you for being the best part of my day.

24. Your love shines brighter than the stars in the sky.

25. This life isn’t a fairytale, but you are most certainly my prince charming.

26. Every night I get to fall asleep next to you is a blessing.

27. Good night my love. Even in my dreams I’ll be thinking of you.

28. Falling asleep next to you is pure bliss. The only thing that could make it better is getting to see you in my dreams.

29. Even after a hard day, I always have something to look forward to – and that’s coming home to you.

30. Good night my love. May your sleep be as sweet as you are.

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81 Sweet and Deep Love Messages for Him - Make Him Smile for Hours (4)

Anniversary or Birthday Deep Love Messages for Him

While everyday is an opportunity to show him just how much you love him, there are certain days that you wanna make him feel extra special.

These deep love messages are perfect to send him on your anniversary or on his birthday.

Think back over the time you’ve spent with him. Use that as motivation and inspiration to write a message that’ll show him just how much you care.

The messages below will get you started, but nothing will mean as much as the message that comes straight from your heart.

1. The XX years we’ve spent together have been the best years of my life.

2. Your birthday is special to me for lots of reasons. Mainly because it’s the day God created the man who would change my life forever.

3. My love for you doesn’t fade with each passing year, it grows immeasurably stronger.

4. I wish I could bottle up time and make this moment with you last forever.

5. Today I celebrate you not just for who you are, but for who you’ve been to me. You’re an excellent partner, friend, lover, and I’m grateful that I get to be yours.

6. I couldn’t have dreamed of a better husband or father for my kids. You are truly a gift.

7. Your life has made my life infinitely better.

8. Thanks for inviting me into your world and allowing me to experience the greatest love I’ve ever known.

9. Your heart for me speaks volumes. And I only hope that I can make you feel as loved and wanted as you make me feel.

10. You’ve accomplished so much in your life already, and the crazy part is that this is only the beginning. I can’t wait to watch how you continue to take this world by storm.

11. It’s your birthday, but the truth is, our life together is the daily gift you give to me.

12. There’s nothing else I’d rather do than spend my life by your side.

13. Watching you grow over the years has been so inspiring to me. I hope you know how much I admire you.

14. We both know that I’d be lying if I said marriage was always easy. But the truth is, there’s no one else I’d rather take this journey with than you. Through it all we’ve both learned how to be more open, loving, honest, and forgiving. Our journey together has been beautiful.

15. I’m so grateful that I get to live out my happily ever after with you.

16. At this point it feels almost impossible to imagine my life without you.

17. I love you through every season of our life together. Our love transcends space and time. And I know that we were created specifically to love each other.

18. You get better with time – smarter, more handsome, more loving, more perfect.

19. Your life has been the best thing that’s happened to my life.

20. I love the way you tell me you love me without ever saying a word.

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Why He Wants You to Send Him Love Messages

These deep love messages for him could be the thing you didn’t know your relationship was missing.

Everyone wants to feel wanted.

Everyone wants to know that they’re loved and appreciated.

And if you have a man who works hard at being a great partner to you, it’s so important that you let him know that you see and appreciate his efforts.

He wants to know that he’s doing the right things and that he’s making you happy.

Plus, many relationship experts agree that the more you acknowledge what your husband does for you, the more inspired he’s likely to feel to continue doing more for you.

This is especially important if your husband’s love language is words of affirmation.

That’s my husband’s love language, and without me verbalizing how much he means to me, it’s likely that he may not feel very appreciated.

Sending love notes like this are an easy way for me to remind him just how much I really do love him.

If your hubby’s the same way, sending these small notes will make a big difference for him.

w/ light and love,

Matthew 5:14 – You are the light of the world. And like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

81 Sweet and Deep Love Messages for Him - Make Him Smile for Hours (2024)


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