Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)

of Local Comics Classified Contracts Awarded By Glass Firm Pittsburgli And Clarksburg: Companies Do Local Work Two. more major contracts: have been awarded by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. for the big North Branch. The electrical contract has been awarded to the Sargent Electric Company of Pittsburgh. Hinkle.

Brothers: of. Clarksburg, W. have. been granted the job to' fabricate and erect. the anneal: ing lehr and cooling conveyor, and to erect and install batch unloading and mixing equipment, according to William Heineman; project.

engineer. Main Substation The electrical work will include the main substation that will receive three high lines from two Potomac Edison Company sources- -Ridgeley substation and the Oldtown Road section. The modern will have many, electronic control devices in connection with the automatic handling of the glass as it moves from the mixing plant the melting tank and then on the long conveyors. The annealing lehr. is 370.

feet long. A continuous conveyor gets the long sheets of glass: when it comes out of the tank. Heat Reduced It goes into- the annealing unit where heat is concentrated on all sides of the plate glass in uniform temperatures. The annealing lehr reduces the heat of the glass uniformly from the 1,900 degrees to 350 degrees until it: gets on the. cooling After leaving the lehr the glass is then cooled by air and atomized jets of water on the cooling At the end of the conveyor, the glass goes into the twin.

grinding units. After being polished, it is cut and packed shipment. Another Contract Pittsburgh Plate Glass. Company officials also said the contract 'to install the melting tank has been awarded to the Toledo: Engineering Company of Toledo, Ohio. The Rust Engineering Company is lining the inside of the 300-foot stack with brick.

The stack is built of reinforced concrete. steel frameworks for the brick storage building and the power substation have been erected. Otherwise progress is being shown on the five silos that will hold the basic- ingredients" for the glass. The company is still for a completion date in July with glass production to start at that time. Woman Hurt In Four-Car Street Crash A' local woman was injured extensive property damage caused yesterday afternoon in a four-car crash at the intersection of Union and South George streets.

Angela Brode, Frederick Street, a passenger in one of the cars, suffered a minor head injury in the collision. She was treated at Memorial Hospital, and released. City Police Officer John W. Snyder, mishap who occurred investigated, when two said of the cars collided and damaged two' parked Officer Snyder said a car, driven by Gilbert E. Myers; RD 1, Baltimore, was traveling south.

on George Street and struck the right front door of a car being driven west on Union Street by Isaac Hale. of 506. Street. After the Hale auto was struck it was knocked against parked car owned by William J. Chappell, 431 Street.

When the Chappell auto was struck, it rammed into another parked car, owned by Blanche- Kearchner, 131 Oak Street, pushing it up over the curb. Myers and Hale will be charged with reckless driving and will be given a hearing November 23 in Trial Magistrate Court. Damage was. estimated at $300 to Myers'. car, while $200 damage was caused by the Hale car.

No estimated damage was made. on the Kearchner or Chappell vehicles. Births: BURGESS--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowling Green, a yesterday at.

Memorial Hospital HADRA'- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flushing, N. a daughter at a hospital there. The father is a son: of the late Hadra, former.

mail carrier here. LYNCH--Mr. and: Mrs. Roger Cresaptown, a daughter yesterday at Memorial SEE Mr. and Mrs.

812 Shades Lane, a daughter. yesterday at Memorial. and Mrs. Earl. 211 North Lee Street, a daughter yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital: TWIGG-Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth, 419 Central Avenue, a son yesterday al: Sacred Heart. WALKER-Mr. and Mrs. John 165 Pennsylvania Avenue, a son yesterday at Memorial.

Cumberland Evening Times, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 4 LITTLE SAVAGE INTERCHANGE This aerial photo, looking Route 40. The bridge closest. to the camera is the one that east, shows the major road relocation at Little Savage Mountain. carry the Finzel Road over the National Highway. The other one The deep cut at the summit of the mountain together with the is the temporary span used during construction: The project is: deep fill- just east it eliminates two very hazardous curves in scheduled to be completed by the middle next year.

New Melvin Church Will Open Sunday The new Melvin Methodist Church, corner of Marion and Reynolds Street, will be opened day. with the pastor, Rev. B. Hartman, delivering the first mon. Rev.

Harry C. March, Hagerstown District superintendent, conduct. the consecration service. The new church will be presented to Dr. March chairman the Board of Truslees." Miss Susan Ann Mosteller will at the console of the new Baldwin organ during and after the consecration service.

Mrs. Helen Walters will be organist for regular service, Rev. Mr. Hartman said. The church, under construction for less than six months, is brick and block.

There memorial windows throughout the sanctuary. R. Roboson was contractor the $31,500 building. Memorials, and other items added amounting to $6.424.60, brought the. cost $36,424.60.

Men and women of congregation have painted. church. Services will be held in: church Sunday evening at 7:30 with Rev. Hartman in charge: will be held each evening, with ceplion of Saturday. Rev.

Louis through 30 with Emerick, pastor of: Midland charge, preaching. Rev. Mr. Hartman said the conextends an invitation the public to attend services and inspect the new church. Ski Club Meets Thursday Night snow flurries are preI dicted tomorrow night, and the Western Maryland.

Ski: Club has again. scheduled meeting at Guntertown. of the club last Friday sheepishly. had the scheduled meeting on. Thursday night was out." Only.

12, members of the :50 belonging were able. to forge their way through the snow covered highways to -the On the agenda is the election of officers, organization of a weather reporting system and transportation pools. Instructional films on skiing will be shown. Club. officials say membership is open to all who are interested in the outdoor sport which many have been pursuing in the winters in the mountains.

Speaker Named For Dinner James Pitkethly, president of the local unit of the National Dinner Club, said Jack will. be the speaker at a meeting of the organization tomorrow at 7 p. m. at the Ali Ghan Shrine Country Club. Malon is.

reputed to. be an authority" the methods used by mediums, confidence men and fakers of other sorts. who claim to be able' lo read minds and predict the future. The subject of his talk will be "Fen With and during the coarse of his talk he will give a demonstration of so-called mind reading. The Newspaper.

For. The Home Second Section French Bride Denies Intent To Kill Mate Tells Preston Jury Of Mistreatment; Jury To Get Charge KINGWOOD, W. Va. French war bride on trial for the murder of her husband testified yesterday that she fired a rifle into! ther husband's room but didn't in-: lend to kill him. "I didn't I just pull the: trigger and the gun went off," said Odette E.

Rodeheaver. 29, during the second day of her trial in the death last June :19. of her 35-year-old ex-soldier Stanley Rodeheaver. The petite brunette occupied the witness stand for almost three hours. After her testimony the defense rested its case and Preston Circuit Judge Melvin Sny-1 ordered the jury locked up for the night.

Final defense arguments were expectedthis morning. after which the judge will present his charge to! the jurors. Visited Relatives Mrs. Rodeheaver. in broken English, reviewed events preceding the shooting on the couple's farm home near.

Hazelton. 'She said she and husband and their had returned from visiting his relatives. She said she put her children to bed about 8 p.m. and went into her bedroom where her husband ready: had retired. She said he beat her when she refused to engage in unnatural sex activity.

She testified that he slapped her so hard. that bone in her face was sore for two weeks. Rodeheaver had been drinking, she said. Anticipated Force The war bride said she went side. but her husband warned her to hurry back.

"I knew he force me. when I came back." she testified. "so picked up the gun." She said she knew the gun was loaded. but that she had no tion of killing her husband. In her testimony, Mrs.

Rodeheaver also. denied a stale witnesses's testimony that she was intoxicated, and contested the mony of her. son, who said. "I told mommy not to shoot daddy." The home visited earlier the day of the slaying was that of Rodeheaver's sister-in-law, Mrs. Edna Rodehcaver.

She was a defense witness yesterday. Five Seeking Wiring Job Five contractors have submitted bids for interior electrical work at the Department of Welfare camp at Green Ridge State Forest. Bids on the work will be received by the Maryland Department of Public Improvements. 506 Park Avenue, Baltimore, until November 17 3:30 p.m. Bidders so far have been Fulton Radio Sales: Hanco*ck: Crunkleton.

Electrical Sales Company, Greencastle; Shockley's Electric Motor. Company, this city. wishing to bid may obtain plans from the Department Public Improvements at no cost. Youth Council sElection Set Cresaptown. Youth Council meets today at 7:30 p.

m. at Methodist Church. Officers will be elected and program for the year Charles. E. Wendt, chairman of the advisory: urged all members of his group to attend.

Larry Dehn. chairman of Central YMCA. will be in attendance to serve advisor, Wendt said. CTP chairman, shown at left." J. Klauenberg, superintendent of Division who was toastmaster.

at right, is local CTP chairman. folloyed. Strong Wind Wrecks Home, At Somerset Man Pinned Beneath Rubble While Son Holds Up Partition TO SPEAK HERE-Jack Malon will speak on With Humbugs" at a meeting of the local unit of the National Dinner Club tomorrow at 7 p. m. at the Ali Ghan Shrine Country Club, according to James Pitkethly.

president. Truck Driver Killed When Vehicles Hit Soniersct Man Dies On Turnpike Three Miles From Carlisle 26-ycar-old Somerset. father was killed. instantly early this morning when his tractortrailer crashed into the rear of another truck on the Pennsylvania! Turnpike, three. miles west Carlisle.

Victim of the tragedy was Roblert G. Barron. 26. of 1030 West Liberty Street, Somerset. Pennsylvania Turnpike Police Bedford said Barron was killed in when his tractor-trailer smashed into the rear of truck driven by Jack D.

Callahan, 26, of New Castle. Pa. Police said Barron was hauling of sheetmetal and the load shifted, crushing him in the cab the rig. He sustained a broken and crushed chest. Police said Barron was traveling at a high rate speed in rain and -fog.

but that visibility was good. Both vehicles were traveling east, and after the crash Callahan was able to control his and pull to the side the highway, He assisted police removing Barron's body from The accident occurred on straight stretch of the turnpike. police said. A native of Somerset County, was a son of Leroy and (Shaulis) Barron, of Somerset. Besides his parents.

he is survived by his widow and two minor children. Program Set For PTA Meet The Parent-Teacher Association of Pennsylvania Avenue meet tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. the school. according to Kenneth Mahaney.

president, who said" the program will include a a talk by represcotative of the Allegany County Board of Education and selections by the Seventh Grade Glee Club. Teachers are to be in their classrooms prior to the meeting for visitation with parents. according to Miss Luia M. Bloriskey, principal. The selections.

by the glee club will be directed by Miss Sally Fitzwater. The First Grade Mothers will conduct a candy sale prior alto the meeting. Refreshments will be served. The executive committee of the PTA was to meet today at 3:30 p. m.

at the school, Mahaney said. The first rehearsal of the minstrel which will be presented the PTA later in the school was held last night, with approximately 50 persons attending. hancy said others who wish participate should attend rehearsals nings, scheduled November for 22 Tuesday, and December 6. Earl Robinette 'is directing production, while Frank Byer is charge of the musical numbers. Friends Aware Plans Meeting The Association of Friends Aware of Handicapped Children will meet, tomorrow at 8 p.

m. at Cumberland Savings Bank. Mrs. John J. Long.

president. said final plans will be made for a bake sale at Albert's Market, LaVale, Friday from 4:40 to 8 p. m. and Saturday. Any one wishing to donate baked goods should call Mrs.

David Hamilton PA2-1789: Mrs. E. R. Kellough PA4-0737: or Hirs. Long PA2-5090.

More donations have been madel to the station wagon fund, includling Potomac Park Homemakers. $5: St. Mary's Mothers' Club, $25: and Ed Denkenberger, treasurer of employes of boiler house at, Celanese. $15. Local Reported Missing From Home.

"City Police yesterday were notifiled that Troy Taylor, 39, of $21 (Maryland Avenue, has been missting from his home since Saturday. Taylor is five-feet 11-inches tall. He was last seen driving late model automobile. A freak gust of wind, apparently cyclonic proportions, this mornling destroyed a concrete block home near Somerset. and tore down trees.

power and telephone poles in that area. Destroyed by the blast of wind was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Francis. located about a mile and a half west of Somerset.

Chief Newton Picking reported the freak wind hit at 7:05 the time heing established since Mrs. Francis was looking at the clock after arising when the "house fell in." Four Years Old A one-story. ranch-type -residence. the house was about four years old. Chief Picking stated.

He reported the velocity of the wind was the greatest ever experienced in his knowledge. and termed. it worse than "Hazel" "and the other hurricanes which bave struck in the Somerset area. "The roof of the Francis home was torn off and carried a quarter mile by the wind, Chief Picking front of the home and both sides then caved in. he said.

he was told. A large portion of the front of the residence was in the form of a steel-frame picture window. and this was demolished. the chief said. Mrs.

Erancis was able to tele-. siphone the Somerset Volunteer Fire Company and. members of that unit were at the. home. within a half-hour.

of the wind blast. When they arrived Mr. Francis. was pinned beneath concrete blocks' and partitions. his 14-year-old son.

hold. ling up the partition edge beneath which the father was unable to move: Francis. 'a ten-year-old daughter land his mother-in-law were admitto Somerset Community Hospital where attaches reported him in "good" condition later. this mornHe was complaining of pain in his chest, attaches said. His daughwas admitted for X-rays and observation after being struck on the head by a piece of debris, while his mother-in-law was rei ported to be in a bad state shock.

Called Total Loss Chief Picking termed the hotle total loss and estimated the damn: age in the neighborhood of Furniture household articles were taken to a vacant home in Somerset, Chief Picking said, addthat Francis unable to say what his immediate plans are. Chief Picking said the establishAment of James Gnegy in Somerset was also unroofed by the force of the wind. The flat roof, which the chief described as "very large." was ripped off and carried 250 feet across a highway and over high tension power lines. he reported. resided in an.

apartment over the front of his establishment, Chief Picking said, but apparently escaped being injured in the incident. No estimate was made of the damage. Awards Presented At Annual Boys 4-H Dinner Last Night ser-(arm agent, presented these awards: Achievement Richard Sichler, RD 4, this city. Dairy achievement Robert Much Colder Weather Seen Presentation of prizes to the Allegany County winners in. the National 4-H Award Program featured the annual dinner of the county Boys 4-H Federation last night in the North Branch Fire Hall: F.

Merritt R. Pope, assistant Moore; Mt. Savage, first: Louis Miltenberger, RD 1, Ridgeley, second; Edward Miller, RD 1, Frostburg; third; and Gary Adams, RD 3, this fourth. Best Meat. Animal Best meat animal raised, Hereford heifer), Kiser, Frostburg.

Poultry--Homer Blubaugh, Warrior Mountain, first; George Windish, Union Grove, second; Glendon Merritt, RD 4, third, and Malone, RD 4, this city, fourth. Safety--Richard Heavner, Union Grove, the individual award, and Union Grove Club, the club winner. Home and farm electrical workErnest Bishop, Spring Gap, first; Gary. Mace, LaVale, second, Herbert Shipe, Spring Gap, third. Garden--Tim Long, RD 1, Old-1 town, first: second: William.

Athey, RD: this city, Paul Miltenberthird, and Louis Miltenberger, fourth, both of RD 1, Ridgeley. McHenry Speaks. Tractor maintenance Edward Miller, RD 1, Frostburg; Jack Wilson, Midland, second, and Gary Adams, RD 3, this James McHenry, assistant Garrett agent, was the speaker. Albert O'Neal; former president of the Allegany County Farm Bureau, the invocation Gerald Lancaster -of LaVale Club was toastmaster. Leonard Ritchie, athletic coach at Bruce High School, Westernport, showed and narrated football films to the 130.

boys attending. Guests were County Commissioners William H. Lemmert and James Orr. Manslaughter Charge Filed The 33-year-old Midland motorist who struck and killed a nine-! year-old Gilmore girl last Saturday has: been with manslaughter by motor hicle. The charge was placed against) Robert Scott: Alexander yesterday fin Trial Magistrate Court State's.

Attorney Paul M. Fletcher questioned several witnesses to the accident which fatally. jured Mary Melva Cuthbertson, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.

Cuthbertson. Alexander posted $2,000 bond his appearance before the January term of the Allegany Grand Jury. and waived a hearing before Magistrate J. Milton said Alexander's apparently struck the youngster after she had crossed the highway while she was returning from store. Alexander, attempting to gotiate a right hand curve, swung the vehicle to the left in wide circle and the left.

front of the auto struck: the child. cording to Harry Bosley the Maryland Slate Police who vestigated. Columbia St. PTA Will Get Year's Budget The moderate weather of the past four days is to come to an end tonight in this section as the forecast calls. for much colder tonight and tomorrow with.

occasional snow flurries. In Allegany, Garrett and ington counties the temperature is to fall to between 28 and 32 degrees. Snow and moving: south. from Canada will cover the northWil-ern part of the country toniglit. The high and noon temperature today Cumberland degrees.

Showers deposited .3 of an inch, over the city last night- and today. The 30-day temperature and precipitation outlook for this section of the country is to be near normal, according to the Weather Bureau. 1, Woman Tells Police Boys Windows A' local woman- -has reported City Police that teenage boys have been breaking windows in her home at 225 Maple Street since Monday. Mrs. Chester F.

Brant, BlackisAvenue. told authorities this morning that seven windows have been broken at her Maple Street home since Monday evening. She andisaid she saw. two. boys performing the vandalism.

nethe TIME CTP CONVENES- -These ac- prominently in the dinner held of and Ohio Railroad Cooperative in- here in the Ali-Ghan Shrine night. The speaker was John The budget for the Columbia Street School Parent Teacher Association will be presented by Mrs. Robert Herboldsheimer, president, at a meeting of the organization Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in the school.

PTA Congress last week The delegates to the Maryland more, Mrs. Herboldsheimer and Mrs. Robert Boden, will report. The program will honor a retired Columbia Street School teacher, Mrs. Bertha Connor Low.

A speaker from the Allegany County Teachers Association will explain the Maryland State Teachers Association five-year program for schools. Parents will visit with teachers after the meeting. The parent discussion group of the school will meet tomorrow at 2 p. m. in the school auditorium.

The recent workshop at Frostburg will be reviewed and disoussed. Subjects will be Development" and. "Sex. Education." Trucker Fined For Overloading A local trucker was fined and costs in Trial Magistrates! to Court, this morning on. a charge of being overloaded.

Trial Magistrate J. Milton Dick fined Franklin E. Westfall, 43 Humbird Street, after he pleaded guilty to the charge of being 2,700 pounds overloaded. Westfall was arrested on Noveraber 8 by Richard F. Boyle of the State Roads Commission on U.S.

Route 220. 12 miles south of Cumberland. three men figured more, general by the Baltimore Center is T. Traffic Program the Cumberland Country Club last J. F.

Peach W. Bliss, Balti- A dance Ca HINISH-Mrs. Harry, 74, Everett. HYDE Herbert of Allegany County. -William Lonaconing.

JURICK-Andrew 52,, Clarksburg. PENSINGER Mrs. Jennie, 88, Clearville. RINKER-Russell 73. Bayard.

SCHWIND -Henry 75 Baltimore. WAGONER-Mrs. Elwood 66. ve- by in- for car Mrs. Jennie Pensinger Mrs.

Jennie Pensinger, 88. widow of Daniel Pensinger, died this morning at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Lottie May, Clearville, Pa. Born at Little Orleans, a daughter of the late Joseph and Mary (Creek) Norris, she had resided at Braddock Farms prior to going to with her daughter. Surviving.

besides May, is daughter, Mrs. Lillie Smith, this city; a son, Conda Smith. Little Orleans; three brothers. Nelson Norris. New York City: Roscoe Norris.

Little Orleans, and George Norris. McKeesport. a sister. Mrs. Belle Montgomery.

McKeesport; two stepsons, Banner Smith, Norristown, Piney Grove, and Roy Smith, a stepdaughter, Cordelia Carson, Amaranth, 11 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. The body' will remain at the Kight Funeral Home. Herbert C. Hyde Herbert Charles Hyde died this morning in Sylvan Retreat where The had been a patient 19. The only known: survivor step sister.

Mrs. Gertrude Judd, Washington. The body will remain at the Kight Funeral Home. Mrs. Harry Hinish.

la. EVERETT Mrs. Hattie Irene 74, wife of Harry Hinish, died Monday Bedford County Memorial Hospital, Bedford. Surviving, besides her husband, are a son, John W. -Dichl, Everett: two daughters.

Mrs. Sara Mae Grassi; Cumberland, and Mrs. Mars M. Mills, Everett, and brother, Roy R. Beegle, The body is at the Conner Funeral Home where services (Continued.

on Page 14) 0.

Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.