How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Eduardo Lorite

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The Power of Loving What You Do ❤️✍️Steve Jobs's quote, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do," highlights a profound truth: passion is a driving force behind excellence. When you love your work, it transcends being a job; it becomes a source of fulfillment and purpose. This love fuels a desire to constantly learn, grow, and push boundaries. It allows you to pour your heart and soul into your tasks, transforming them from mundane chores to opportunities for self-expression and mastery.The beauty of loving what you do is that it fosters a sense of resilience . When challenges arise, as they inevitably do, your passion serves as a potent motivator. It compels you to persevere through difficulties, find creative solutions, and emerge stronger on the other side. This unwavering dedication is the hallmark of those who consistently produce great work.So, how can you cultivate more love for your current work? Look for aspects you enjoy, even if it's just a small part. Focus on mastering those elements and see how it enhances your overall experience. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. By nurturing this appreciation, you can transform your existing role into a wellspring of passion and achievement. ✨#loveyourwork #passion #dedication #greatwork #motivation #perseverance #fulfillment #gratitude #findyourspark #makeadifference #positivevibes #careergoals #endlesslearning #neverstoplearning #alwaysevolving

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    PR Cum Digital Marketing Team Lead | Freelance Content Writer | PowerPoint Presentation Designer

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    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve JobsThis quote from Steve Jobs reminds us of the importance of passion and purpose in our work. When we love what we do, we are more motivated, creative, and fulfilled. It's a reminder to pursue our passions and find meaning in our endeavors, even when faced with challenges. Take a moment to reflect on what you love doing and how you can incorporate more of that into your life and work today.#PassionInWork #PurposeDriven #MotivationMonday #SteveJobsQuote #LoveWhatYouDo #FindYourPassion #CreativityInspiration #MeaningfulWork #CareerMotivation

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  • Carson George

    Analytical creative who excels in solving complex problems, and strives to learn something everyday.

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    Do you love what you do? Or are you just going through the motions, waiting for something better to come along? Steve Jobs once said, "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." It's a powerful reminder that passion and purpose are key ingredients for success and fulfillment.When you love what you do, work becomes more than just a means to an end. It becomes a source of joy, creativity, and personal growth. You're more likely to put in the extra effort, take risks, and push yourself to new heights. You're also more likely to inspire others with your enthusiasm and dedication.Of course, finding work that you love isn't always easy. It may require trial and error, taking risks, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. But it's worth it. Life is too short to settle for a job that doesn't fulfill you. So if you're not happy with your current situation, take some time to reflect on what you truly love to do. What are your passions, talents, and values? How can you align them with a career or business that brings you joy and makes a difference in the world?Remember, great work is not just about achieving external success or recognition. It's about doing work that you love and that makes a positive impact on yourself and others. So don't settle for mediocrity. Find your passion, and let it fuel your greatness.#lovewhatyoudo#passionandpurpose#greatness#stevejobs#inspiration#motivation6h

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  • Oumaima Mhijir

    Social Entrepreneur, Exec Director to Jadara Foudation, Founder of Ayady & CEO to Impact4

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    Dear cercle, welcome to my personal development journey ! Let’s talk Passion … thank you Association ROAD NAJAH for inviting me to take part to the master class and inspiration talk about PassionWhat is the meaning of passion from both personal and professional prisms ? In life, passion is a value that holds significant meaning to you or an activity that you enjoy doing in your everyday life with your beloved ones or on your own. As a professional, pursuing your passions as a career can bring you greater fulfillment in the contributions you make in the workplace. But how do you reconquer passion when lost, either for endogenous or exogenous reasons ? 1. Focus on intrinsic motivation.2. Tap into your bigger purpose.3. Ditch the negatives.4. Stop overthinking it.5. Connect with your values.6. Block off one day of your week for passion work.7. Tap into good memories.8. Know how you’re helping others.9. Acknowledge the feelings throughout the journey, accept and embrace them.

    • How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (9)
    • How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (10)
    • How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (11)
    • How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (12)
    • How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (13)




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  • Amogh Motghare

    Pursuing Bachelors in Business Administration at Jai Hind College.(BBA at JHC) Public Speaker | Editor | Copywriter | Athlete

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    I recently came across a profound phrase: "The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination." This got me thinking about our professional journeys and the importance of consistency.For those who find passion in the process, every challenge becomes an opportunity, every setback a lesson. They immerse themselves in the journey, driven not just by the end goal, but by the love for what they do daily. This passion fuels their consistency, allowing them to make progress steadily.On the contrary, if one is solely fixated on the end goal (the destination), the path might feel tedious, and setbacks can be disheartening.In our careers, being consistent and finding joy in the day-to-day tasks is key. It's the consistent steps we take that lead to monumental progress over time. So, let's embrace the journey, stay consistent, and remember: it's often those who love 'walking' that go the furthest.#ConsistencyMatters #EmbraceTheJourney #ProfessionalGrowth

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  • Tiffany Green

    Leadership & Change Management Expert | Founder & MD @ Emergent Inquiry Consulting

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    I love this illustration by Hannah Wilson. There will always be more to do than we can ever get done! Therefore, I’ve been practicing embracing the Power of "No" 🚀In this current fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of saying "yes" to every opportunity that comes our way. We want to please others, be helpful, and seize every chance that presents itself. But have you ever considered the incredible power of saying "no"?💪 Saying "no" is not a sign of weakness; it's a testament to your priorities and values. When you say "no" to the things that don't align with your goals, you make room for the things that truly matter.🌟 It's about understanding that your time and energy are precious resources. When you say "no" to the noise, you can say "yes" to your passion projects, personal growth, and the people who uplift you.🌱 Remember, the quality of your "yes" is directly proportional to the strength of your "no." By being discerning about where you invest your time and energy, you can achieve greater focus and achieve your dreams.🚀 So, let's celebrate the power of "no" today. Let's embrace the freedom it brings and the path it paves towards a more purposeful, fulfilling life. Say "no" when needed, and watch your "yes" become even more meaningful. 💪🏾🌟#Priorities #Focus #SayNoToSayYes

    • How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (21)



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  • Ansorbit


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    🌟Inspirational Quote Alert! 🌟"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." - Steve JobsLet these profound words from the visionary Steve Jobs resonate within you today. In a world where our time is precious, it's essential to dedicate ourselves to work that we find meaningful and fulfilling.🌠 Jobs reminds us that true satisfaction lies in pursuing our passions and engaging in work that aligns with our beliefs and values. Whether it's creating art, building businesses, or serving others, finding our calling and pursuing it with passion is the key to a life well-lived.💫 So, take a moment to reflect: Are you engaged in work that ignites your soul? Are you following your dreams and striving for greatness? Remember, it's never too late to start pursuing your true calling and making a difference in the world.✨ Let Steve Jobs' wisdom inspire you to seek out great work and unleash your full potential. Embrace the journey towards fulfillment and create a life where your work becomes an expression of your passion.#Inspiration #SteveJobs #GreatWork #Passion #Calling #Fulfillment #Purpose #DreamBig #UnleashYourPotential #MondayMotivation #MotivationalPost

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  • Valerie Roberts

    🎉 Employer Branding 🌟DEI, I 💙 to Empower Others, Relationship Builder, Servant Leader, Social Butterfly 🦋 Professional

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    I love this! I had to share.🔥This is such a valuable lesson. 💛We are assigned with a path that requires us to take on different challenges and connections to prepare us for our destination. 📝 Our personal assignments are formulated from a divine strategy based on our individual characteristics, strengths, personal growth, mindset, drive, expectations, experiences, personality, gifts and talents... We were beautifully and wonderfully made by God with a perfect plan for our lives.👝Our journey is cultivating us to become who we’re, ultimately navigating us to where we are supposed to be. We are not equipped to take on the assignment and journey of another person. 💫 Be careful with what we idolize, envy or consume ourselves about someone’s success because their “extraordinary final” package because it doesn’t truly reveal the entire process and sacrifices it took to fulfill this assignment and seal it with a the beautiful bow we see. 🎁 ✅ We need to stay focused on our journey. Find ways to improve as an individual personally and professionally. Seek ways to impact others as we grow through our process.

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  • Pratyusha Tripathy

    💡Content Developer | 🚀 Transforming Ideas into Compelling Content | Digital Marketing Enthusiast 📊

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    It's time for some self-celebration!Today, I want to take a moment to celebrate myself, and I encourage you to do the same. 🎉We often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, constantly striving for more and forgetting to acknowledge our own accomplishments and worth. But not today!I am proud of the person I have become and the journey I have embarked upon. I have overcome obstacles, embraced my strengths, and learned from my failures.I celebrate my resilience, my determination, and my unwavering spirit. Each step I take, no matter how small, brings me closer to my goals.I celebrate my growth, both personally and professionally. I have pushed myself beyond my comfort zone, acquired new skills, and expanded my horizons.I celebrate my uniqueness, recognizing that I bring something special to the table. My perspectives, ideas, and experiences shape who I am and the impact I can make.So, take a moment today to celebrate yourself. Acknowledge your progress, appreciate your strengths, and be proud of who you are.Remember, self-celebration is not selfish—it's necessary. It fuels our motivation, boosts our confidence, and reminds us of our incredible potential.#CelebratingMe #SelfLove #PersonalGrowth

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  • Bill Radke

    EXP | The SFR Advisors - National SFR Portfolio Specialists

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    I heard the “Moon Speech” from John F Kennedy today and it reminds me of the benefits of doing hard work, "do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard,". I’ve heard the quote mentioned at some of the companies I’ve worked with, and it always hits positively. Refuse to delay what you can do today, pursue tasks and goals that require significant effort and determination, undertake difficult endeavors and challenges, and have a strong intention to triumph over them. Tackling and conquering difficult challenges serves a purpose beyond simplicity or convenience, and it’s not only worthwhile but also essential for progress and growth. These challenges serve as a means to mobilize and gauge the best of our abilities and talents. Push the boundaries of your personal achievements and strive for greatness. We’ve all gone through personal hard times and there will most certainly be more ahead. Looking back, I’ve realized that those difficult moments are valuable lessons that can help you work through anything that comes your way. Education, learning new skills, exercising, eating well, and establishing healthy habits—all of these things may seem hard in the moment. But we can attack them head-on with fierce determination. “We must embrace the "other" hard things. We must sweat, study, focus, sacrifice, and constantly strive for self-improvement. Yes, it will always be challenging, but here's the prize: an easier life. With the freedom to do work we love and live life on our own terms, the present becomes easier compared to our past struggles.As Theodore Roosevelt wisely said, "Nothing worth having comes easy." So, when faced with challenges, remember why you do what you do. You engage in hard work because you don't want to live a hard life. The freedom to pursue your dreams, desires and find comfort doesn't come effortlessly. It requires daily dedication and effort. And though an easy life is never a permanent state, the pursuit of an easier life is always worth it.Keep pushing forward, knowing that your hard work is paving the way for a brighter future. 💪✨ #work #growth #education #realtor #hardwork#selfcare#selfimprovement#greatful#challenge#thebillradkeexperience#realestate#phoenix#chicago

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  • Justin Davis

    I assist luxury real estate brands in captivating elite clients without traditional advertising, with our SMMA innovation.

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    As we all journey through the labyrinth of our professional and personal lives, there are certain truths, certain nuggets of wisdom that can inspire us and push us towards heights we never thought possible. Today, I've chosen to share some of my all-time favourite quotes, hoping they will inspire and enlighten you as they have done for me.1/ Believe you can and you're halfway there. – Theodore RooseveltThis esteemed and exemplar leader of ours drilled deep into the essence of self-belief. In whichever field you operate, if there's one thing that can really make the difference between a 'let's-try' performance and a 'let's-do' achievement, it's self-belief.2/ Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. – ConfuciusThe wisdom of the east holds profound truths. Finding love in what you do is not only beneficial for professional success, but also fosters personal happiness. Evolve your passion into your career and see the magic!3/ Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. – Stephen HawkingLet's pause for a moment and appreciate this. Our jobs may sometimes seem gruelling, but therein lays the beauty: hard work provides a sense of purpose, a direction that prevents us from feeling lost. 4/ The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steve JobsHere, an iconic innovator of our times prompts us to love what we do. When you love what you do, you put your heart and soul into it, leading to unmatched excellence. These quotes point towards the fact that our professional and personal lives are intricately entwined. To attain the pinnacle in the professional sphere, we need to keep the fire in our personal lives glowing bright.Remember, it's not just about what you achieve, it's also about who you become while you're achieving. Trust in your journey, keep faith in yourself. Let the essence of these words guide you, as they have guided me. We are in this together, let's rise together. Stay inspired. #quotes #inspiration #work #life #journey

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How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (42)


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How to Love What You Do ❤️✍️ | Eduardo Lorite posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.