Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (2024)

Italian Recipes

May 9, 2024

Dive into culinary delights with our latest video featuring French Pistou Sauce, herb-infused pasta, creamy vegetable soup, and exquisite mushroom pasta recipes. Quick, tasty, and vibrant—perfect for any day!


Join Mary Berry in a show that celebrates her timeless charm and effortless cooking style. Each episode dives into a unique style of dish, from traditional favorites to exciting new additions to your kitchen. Learn from Mary as she uses simple techniques, minimal ingredients, and her signature cheeky shortcuts to make delicious, fuss-free meals. Discover why Mary Berry remains a beloved figure in home cooking and an inspirational culinary icon.


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[Music] I’ve been cooking for quite a few years now so many recipes have come and gone but there are wonderful Classics that are as popular as ever in this series I’ll show you how to cook some of the best of them in my very special way I’m just saving on the washing up from Classic Home Comforts that will put a smile on your face absolutely delicious to some favorites from the past that are making a great comeback wa and delicious light ideas that take no time at all Welcome to our secret garden Mary I’m going to be helping with your school din know yes these dishes can often seem daunting but I’m going to show you some tips and techniques that make them quick easy and Simply Delicious and most importantly with almost no fuss in this program I’m traveling back in time to explore our foodie [Music] past I enjoyed that and celebrate the best of this green and pleasant [Music] land Britain is blessed with a wonderful array of fresh produce and it’s nice to know exactly where our food comes from growing your own whether it’s in a garden or a herb box makes cooking all the more fun so in this program I’ll be celebrating some of our finest produce a classic way to bring out the best in our glorious veg the perfect idea for one of our most loved ingredients my mouthwatering way to serve a spring favorite and a tempting autumnal tart that’s a fruity little crowd pleaser but first a delicious classic idea for all those delicate [Music] herbs this dish is my take on the French pistu sauce and I’m going to serve it with pasta and it is delicious and easy start by cooking the Linguini in salted boiling water while that’s boiling I’m going to get on with the Glorious pistu sauce so what is pisto it’s a French version of pesto without the parmesan cheese and without the pine nuts I’ve got some chives here very easy to grow at home just keep nibbling at it and it’ll go on all Sumer roughly chop the CH and there’ll be our base then I want a nice little bunch of parsley I really love fresh herbs they give most dishes a lift then I’m going to have some basil I’ve got a lovely plant [Music] here now this is the sort of plant you’d have on your windowsill now if you just look there there’s a big spray at the top here so I’m taking it down there now just have a look and you’ll see two more little choots coming if you water it and feed it they will come back like [Music] that so in goes the Basel pie two is herbs oil and garlic but instead of oil I’m adding creme fresh and some sharp lemon to give it a [Music] lift that’s it that’s done look at that amazing green color absolutely cram Jam full of [Music] herbs the last step is to fry off 500 G of chestnut mushrooms in some sizzling butter I like them the best of the mushrooms cuz they hold their flavor and shape saute them until they’re a gorgeous golden brown and those juices have evaporated then I’m going to add our wonderful PE D sauce and it goes like that throw in the cooked pasta and for that velvety touch some grated Parmesan and you can imagine those loes go really well together a wonderful glorious fresh taste and a little parmesan cheese over the [Music] top so there it is PE to Pasta my take on the French classic when it comes to Leafy veg Water Crest has been a firm favorite for centuries here in the Hampshire Meadows it still grows rampantly mineral Rich spring waters are filtered through chalky beds to create the perfect environment cultivated on farms since the 1850s it was once a hugely labor intensive process involving every member of The Village obviously they use Machinery now but Penny e who’s been farming these fields for 35 years hasn’t always had this luxury how much water Crest can that machine cut in an hour between a 1 and 1/2 to 2 ton an hour is quite incredible comparing to how we used to do it by hand come on if you had to do it by hand H that to get that amount how long would it take one person well it would take days days so it’s changed the industry very much so yes I’m so excited to see how it was once done well if I stop about here and we’ll place the basket down what we used to do is take a very sharp knife and we used to gather it within our hands you’re getting a lot in there you certainly are go quite away from your hand and you and you haven’t lost a finger in and certainly haven’t you’ve kept it well away from you so I’m to have a go right Gathering it up into one hand make sure your knives low down away from your fingers had no intention of cutting my fingers I might say and then slash it and that’s it it’s about half the size of your bunch and I’ve also got some root on there so I gently go back that’s not too bad is it that’s fine that’s Lovely Isn’t that beautiful do you know Penny I was brought up on a farm We Believe It or Not had water crust breeds and my favorite thing was water crust sandwiches with rasby Jam wow sweeten anyway we’ve done quite a lot we have yeah put the knife in there okay off we go it couldn’t be fresher than picked straight from the field and what better way to use it than in this classic with my own special Twist of course usually you make water crust soup with potato but ceria I think is far nicer you get that hint of celery and it really is [Music] scous slowly soften two chopped onions in butter make sure they’re on a low heat then Cube the sarc you only need to do this roughly the one thing that hits you at this stage is that it’s a strong smell of celery which I love add the salc to those delicious onions and pour over some of your favorite stock give that a stir and gently simmer until all that is absolutely tender now for the star ingredient I’ve got 200 g of water grass looks an awful lot but I want it to be bright green and full of flavor and all I’ve got to do is to let this Wilk down just like you would [Music] spinach make sure all that hot stock comes over not too long otherwise it’ll lose its color next we need to pury it what was a bit tricky with hot soup make sure that it’s absolutely upright do it like that and it’ll go all over my worktop and it’s me that tears it up so blend it till that vibrant green comes out and it’s beautifully smooth that looks just about right to me 4 tablespoons of creme fresh and some salt and pepper will give it that wonderful Rich finish it’s such a brilliant color so tempting and what better way to serve it than with some hot English muffins delicious [Music] Water Crest is definitely one of my favorites but there’s another green vegetable that we couldn’t do without asparagus and it makes the perfect companion to fresh [Music] salmon let me show you a simple Timeless way of cooking Salon my special trick is to butter and then season a large piece of foil then some dill I absolutely love Dill this is going to give real flavor to the fish and I’m going to put that down flesh side down across the top like that it couldn’t be simpler just pour over the juice of a lemon then a splash of white wine if you wrap it all into a tight parcel those juices will start to work their magic take care not to overcook it so pop it in the oven 160 fan for around 25 [Music] minutes there it is that looks beautiful the skin won’t be hard to remove if the salmon is still warm just pull that off right across like [Music] that now it’s time for my delicious asparagus topping to keep that striking green color and crunch I’ve cooked them for Just 2 or 3 minutes I just love asparagus nothing goes better with salmon then radish cut [Music] thinly I think that looks just about enough enough scatter over some shrimps to give it a bit more punch and then some herbs that’s a micro herb and it is a lovely color because it goes well with radishes so the grand finale drizzle over a simple mustard lemon and Dill vinegarette it just makes it more lively and absolutely beautiful well I’m really proud of that it’s something really special for that occasion when you’ve got a crowd and you want to push the boat out today we take it for granted that we can buy vegetables whenever we want from anywhere in the world this wasn’t always the case here in Hampshire the aptly named waterest line is a fine example of how we want transported our food today it’s run by passionate volunteers good morning mad good morning thank you like Chris Yates who’s agreed to let me join his engine crew and I can’t wait hello there hello Mary nice to meet you welcome to the Water Crest loine and so what part do you play here well today I’m the fireman so I’ll be stoking the fire fire make sure we got enough steam so we can go up the uh up the line right we’ve got Greg there in the corner who’s going to do the driving for us today and how old is this this particular engine built in 1937 and it’s still going strong with a lot of love care and attention Mary would you like to come and join us I’d love to you’ll have to wear these pair of over look apart absolutely right we’ll see you in a moment while I get ready Chris and Greg keep stoking that fire it will need to be a sweltering 400° before we can get going come aboard are we ready wow welcome board gosh it’s quite cozy in here it is cozy and warm wow that’s hot isn’t it that’s very hot no soggy buttons on here Mary I watch it yeah clear to go and we’re clear to go oh that’s Lovely isn’t it [Applause] this line was built in 1865 and one of its main purposes was to transport vast quantities of Water Crest directly to London’s Cent Garden Market it’s beginning to chop chop chop chop I love [Music] it but my goodness this train is near nearly 300 tons and demands to be constantly fed quite a job for the men who would have once spent their lives on [Music] it it’s pretty [Music] heavy right how many of these are we going to use I think our hand right getting the Water Crest in London opened up the market for so many farmers it became very popular and was soon known as Poor Man’s bread because Victorian workers could buy bunches for breakfast as they made their way to work you’ve done it before I enjoyed that your ha dude how about that then at its peak there were thousands of steam trains running across the country of course we transport our food in other ways today but some of the old lines like this one have been lovingly restored hello [Music] there I’ve had a great time thank you very much for having thanks for coming thanks so much bye thank you Mary bye it wasn’t only Water Crest that found its way into more kitchens all sorts of food slowly became accessible to City dwellers and meat was one of them lamb has long been a staple of the countryside and it continues to be the goto Sunday lunch I have the ideal classic way to cook it that is mouthwatering simple there’s nothing more classic early in the season than lamb and I’ve got a beautiful fillet of lamb sometimes called Canon the secret here is to start by seasoning then sealing the lamb in a hot pan turn that over look isn’t that a gorgeous color so I’m going to add some Rosemary I’m going to put some underneath and some on top and that’ll really permeate the lamb and now it wants to go a really hot oven 200 pan for 8 minutes of course lamb is nothing without a delicious mint dressing mint has happy memories for me because when I was about 14 I was horse mad or pony mad and I used to go to Jim carers mom would say what do you want for supper when you come home and I used to say new potatoes and peas but the main thing was to have mint sauce on top and now I’ve sort of upgraded it and it’s a mint dressing the base of this dressing is a classic mustard vinegarette and I’ve got a nice fat clove of garlic there going [Music] in that’s it and my Personal Touch is fragrant fresh mint and chopped spring onion now that looks interesting really fun and spring like look at that lamb perfect there’s a very strong smell of rose here which is lovely to make sure it’s tender rest the Cannons for at least 5 minutes while you’re waiting warm that delicious mint dressing with some seasonal green veg so I’ve got everything ready all I’ve got to do is serve just the right amount of pinkness isn’t that sheer perfection I’m rather chuff with that that fragrant minty dressing brings it all together [Music] perfectly I cannot think of a better combination than spring vegetables all bright green and perfectly cooked Glam for me nothing could be [Music] better I’ve always enjoyed growing vegetables and there’s nothing better than spending time pottering in the garden that’s a pretty good head of garlic enormous no wonder it’s called elephant garlic here I’ve got masses of parsley I think that’s enough the main thing is we grow what we eat and what we enjoy I have a son that thinks kale is the best thing since sliced bread there’s a sort of carrot you don’t see in the shops this one’s got two [Music] legs with all this wonderful produce to choose from there really is only one thing to do with them a delicious Classic Roast one of my most favorite things are roasted vegetables hot or cold sometimes on toasted sardo bread I can think of nothing better use whatever veg you have to hand Peppers give color I nearly always choose the red ones not only do you get color but you get flavor just bang them out I love roasted cett good size chunks because then you get a bit of texture left in them and what about some thinly sliced oine and one of my favorites butternut [Music] squash so if you just take Rings like that you can get the peel off much more easily and then you just need to cut that into [Music] chunks there we are in it nothing will bring out their flavors more than some salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil so in I go and just work and massage it in look at those beautiful colors 30 minutes in a 200° fan oven will soften them while keeping them golden brown outside Heaven while the veggies are roasted ing I’ll get on with the dressing in the bowl I’m going to put teaspoonful of mustard I love the grainy mustard in it goes add in a crushed clove of garlic and 4 tbspoon of olive oil then a couple of tablespoons of balsamic vinegar this gives it a lovely color and a very distinctive flavor a good teaspoon of sugar and finish it off with a finely chopped banana shot for a bit of [Music] crunch those veggies are looking good it’s time to get them plated up it’s so beautifully colorful lovely combination and that’ll add lots of flavor little bit of sharpness from the balsamic dressing to really kick off this recipe I have one last touch Rich feta cheese and the contrast of the white and all this colors I think it goes really well finish off with some wonderfully fragrant chopped mint and [Music] Basel do you know something this is a perfect meal without meat you don’t need it it’s absolutely absolutely delicious sitting with a glass of wine outside on a summer’s evening it would be one of my most favorite [Music] things of course it’s not only about the vegetables the country also has wonderful hedge RS and Orchards Laden with fruit I have the Ultimate Classic to celebrate them I’m going to make it in my own special way T toown has that wonderful layer of caramel on the top and I’m going to show you how to do it the secret to a textbook caramel is to use a stainless steel pan this will stop the sugar from crystallizing whilst it dissolves in a little water you never need be frightened of making caramel if you do it this way once all the granules have dissolved turn up the heat to a steady boil now you can hear that bubbling away it will become quiet and rather thicker and then you need to look down in the pan and see it’s a pale golden color that is perfect that smooth caramel now needs to be set in an unbuttered fixed base cake tin Let It cover the bottom of the tin so onto the puree I’ve got a Bramley Apple here a really large one and I’m going to core [Music] it that took a big of [Music] effort it’s nice to use a Bramley Apple because it goes down to a mush and we want a [Music] puree I always add a bit of sugar as Bramley can be a little bit tart and then putp the lid on and it’ll create steam keep an eye on it and stir it until it’s absolutely down to a mush back to the tart make sure you now butter the cake tin so nothing sticks and then slice some sweet English dessert apples for your next layer T tat to is something really really special and I would serve it I’ve Got Friends round for Sunday lunch or as a nice pudding on a special occasion so there’s our pattern finished and then the rest goes on higgledy piggledy on top like that now the puree looks good and I’m going to mash [Music] it this is the perfect consistency this apple puree is my little twist on the French classic to make it extra special finally the puff pastry to keep things simple a pre-rolled sheet cut to just a little bigger than the tin will be perfect I’m making it bigger because I want to tuck the edge in to get a wonderfully crisp top a little cross in the center will release all of the steam just 40 minutes in a 200 fan oven we’ll bake it until it’s golden [Music] brown well I’m quite chuffed with that now for the Moment of Truth 1 2 3 [Music] 4 how about that it’s got such a gorgeous shine on it and we’ve got masses of apple and a nice crispy pastry underneath all we need now is a good fat slice and a dollop of creem fresh that is Sheer [Music] Heaven next time really absolutely scous ideas for Timeless entertaining it is absolutely breathtaking [Music]


  1. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (1)

    @margaretvennettsmith7613 1 month ago

    Why when we have thousands obese and diabetic do we have these recipes laden with rubbish. Its not as if she is fat. Leave off yr fats and pasta when showing fatties how to are out of order madam

  2. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (3)

    @Lovemycoffee10 1 month ago

    I adore you Mary Berry! Your recipes are superb! Thank you throughout the years … Blessings

  3. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (4)

    @mahajaramillo498 1 month ago

    Very nice pasta, love it and the tarte tatin

  4. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (5)

    @fenyvirag1 4 weeks ago

    Örülök , hogy vagy . elő ő gratula .

  5. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (6)

    @RozelliachefNZ 4 weeks ago

    I am a chef in New Zealand. I have given your cookbooks to young chefs and to my children.Love your 2:15 tasteful classics

  6. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (7)

    @kevinhickey3515 4 weeks ago

    Creme fraiche was way too thick and went into a stodgy dry mass when a dded to the mushrooms..Very disappointing…….

  7. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (8)

    @PatsyMellen 4 weeks ago

    I was hoping to find a recipe for the mushroom pasta. I guess I will have to buy her cookbook.

  8. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (9)

    @astridwindfuhrnz 4 weeks ago

    Love you recipes

  9. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (10)

    @NayFunPUMA 3 weeks ago

    You're with Emmanuel you never dreamed that's why you're more of a sweet and better like fruit flies better than Buckingham.

  10. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (11)

    @hilarykenny8058 3 weeks ago

    I don’t think the crème fresh was too think look lovely to me, can’t please everyone it seem, thanks for the recipe

  11. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (12)

    @glamdolly30 3 weeks ago

    I made the tarte tatin today, using all eating apples, and Aldi ready rolled puff pastry – it was delicious, but quite a lot of work!

    My top tip is to make double the amount of caramel syrup. Oh and I don't have a round, deep, metal cake tin so I made it in an oblong, glass Pyrex dish. It worked out just fine, and was actually easy to release it when upturning onto a plate after it cooled, and easy to portion being an oblong tarte.

    We had thick, whipped double cream (some had vanilla ice cream too), and it really was a big hit with everyone. I think Mary's idea of a mix of raw apple slices and cooked apple puree is genius, and works very well.

  12. Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (13)

    @helenphillips4204 2 weeks ago

    Lovely to see alresford station,where my late uncle was once the station master xx

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Mushroom Pasta Night! - Mary Berry Classic - Cooking Show - Dining and Cooking (2024)


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